New Haven
Puppies & Flowers
“Puppies and Pretty Greenhouse Flowers for Sale”
Puppies since 2016. We sell Mountain Bernese (also called Bernese Mountain) dog puppies as well as some other breeds. NOTE: Our puppies are GUARANTEED tested, Vetted by a licensed Veterinarian with needed vaccinations. De-worming is also done to each dog. Loving care is shown to each of our puppies as we look for a new home for them.
Our primary puppies are Mountain Bernese dogs and they are AKC registered.
We also have greenhouses where we grow and sell spring flowers and garden vegetable plants. Flowers for Mothers Day and other occasions. We are a Spring and Summer time Florist. In the fall we still have Mums to sell.
Call first for availability is advised. 260-409-1062

A Family Run Farm in Indiana
We are a family owned business which has been in the family for 36 years at the same location, a beautiful farm location at Parent Rd., 15019 New Haven, IN 46774.
Our Products
We sell mainly Mountain Bernese (also called Bernese Mountain) dog puppies. We also have a few mixed breeds to offer as well. If your looking for a new Mountain Bernese puppy please give me a call today! Clara
Call first for availability is advised. 260-409-1062
More about puppies… >>>
Flower and Vegetable Plants
Greenhouse Flowers and Vegetable Plants is what we offer.
We sell spring flowers and vegetable plants and in the fall we have Mums. We have large hanger baskets and containers also. Come out and see us!
Call first for availability is advised. 260-409-1062
More about our greenhouse plants… >>>

Check out the blog page for current happenings and recent availability!

Happy Customers & Buyers
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Get In Touch & Visit The Farm
Our greenhouse business is open through the week, spring through fall and we may have puppies all year ’round so please give us a call to get the current availability.
(260) 409-1062
Call us Monday thru Friday
Hours: 9am – 6pm
Closed Sunday